Tourism web of Chinchón (Spain)

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Guided tours

Through the Municipal Tourism Office you can arrange any tour pack for individuals, groups or theatrical visits. We offer:


Individual Pack

* To carry out the activity will require a minimum of 15 people.

Visits for individuals are held every Saturday throughout the year, except for the months of June, July, August and September. Nor are held the first weekend of every month, as it coincides with the Open Days.

The duration of the tour is about an hour and a half and during can visit the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, the "Lope de Vega" Theatre, the Torre del reloj and the Plaza Mayor, all accompanied by a specialized tour guide.

Pensioners and children - 3 €
Adult - 5 €

Theatrical Visits Pack

Thanks to Tourism Competitiveness Plan, we also have a Dramatized Tourist Visits organized by the municipality of Chinchon.

You can book and check prices through the Municipal Tourism Office.

Experience first-person events that set the course of this Villa.

Accept the challenge of living a dream and enjoy an unforgettable evening, go with the magic and take in the great soul of a noble, a unique journey through history of Chinchón.

Group Pack

Group pack 1

* For any of the three packs, will require a minimum of 15 people to complete it.

Includes: Plaza Mayor, Torre del Reloj, Iglesia Parroquial and Teatro "Lope de Vega".

Less than 30 people - 5 €
More than 30 people - 3 €

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Group pack 2

Includes: Convento MM Clarisas, Convento de San Agustín, Plaza Mayor, Torre del reloj, Iglesia Parroquial and Teatro.

Less than 30 people - 7 €
More than 30 people - 5 €

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Group pack 3

Includes: Centro de Interpretación, Convento MM Clarisas, Ermita de San Roque, Ermita del Rosario, Ermita de la Misericordia, Ermita de San Antón, Torre del Reloj, Teatro, Iglesia Parroquial and Plaza Mayor.

Less than 30 people - 10 €
More than 30 people - 8 €

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Optional pack (only groups): Chinchón's distillery

Tour visiting to the Chinchón's distillery may be added to any package, just with an increase in the price per person or simply hire the visit for the distillery separately, regardless of any previous package.

Only the distillety tour - 7€
Visit to the distelly including any previous pack - 3€

Optional pack (only groups): "La Posada" Ethnological Museum

Tour visiting to the Ethnological Museum may be added to any package, just with an increase in the price per person or simply hire the visit for the distillery separately, regardless of any previous package.

Museum visit with guide - 3€
Museum visit w/o guide - 2€